French Podcast Transcripts

French vocabulary: 56 Summer words!

French vocabulary: 56 Summer words! Get ready for an episode filled with French words and a summer you won’t forget! Improve your pronunciation and expand your vocabulary with these 56 nouns about summer, the beach, and traveling!

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French vocabulary: 56 Summer words!

Imagine you’re going on a summer vacation, but instead of packing swimsuits and sunscreen, you’re packing a bunch of cool French words!

Les Tongs Flip-flops
Les Lunettes De Soleil Sunglasses
Le Soleil The sun
Le Parasol The parasol
Le Feu D’artifice Fireworks
La Glace Ice cream
Le Ballon The balloon
La Température The temperature
Le Voilier The sailboat
Le Ventilateur The fan
La Bouteille The bottle
Avoir Soif To be thirsty
Le T-Shirt T-shirt
Le Vélo Bicycle
La Chaise Longue Deckchair
Le Passeport Passport
Le Trampoline Trampoline
La Pastèque Watermelon
La Carte Map
Le Barbecue Barbecue
L’avion Airplane
Le Maillot De Bain Swimsuit
Avoir Chaud To be hot
La Crème Solaire Sunscreen
L’étiquette Label
Le Gilet De Sauvetage Life jacket
La Boisson Beverage
La Canne À Pêche Fishing rod
Le Short Shorts
La Tente Tent
La Casquette Cap
Le Crabe Crab
Le Panier Basket
Le Palmier Palm tree
L’esquimau Ice pop
La Plage Beach
L’étoile De Mer Starfish
Le Chapeau Hat
Le Coquillage Seashell
La Valise Suitcase
La Serviette De Plage Beach towel
La Plongée Sous-Marine Scuba diving
L’appareil Photo Camera
La Bouée Buoy
La Robe Dress
Le Ciel Étoilé Starry sky
Le Pique-Nique Picnic
Le Sac De Plage Beach bag
La Piscine Swimming pool
Le Masque Mask
Le Tuba Snorkel
La Balançoire Swing
La Chemise Shirt
La Pelle Shovel
La Carte Postale Postcard
Le Château De Sable Sandcastle

French vocabulary: 56 Summer words!! I hope it was a five-star experience for you. I really want to be helpful and share my knowledge with you. So if you want to help other listeners to discover my podcast, go ahead an leave a five star rating on Spotify (only in the app), Apple podcast, Audible….

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