French Podcast Transcripts

French bootcamp #2 Talk about work or study

Bonjour et bienvenue au Bootcamp ! Every January, I create a series of episode to boost your learning and motivation! Every episodes will have some grammar or vocabulary and some practice! Today, alk about work or study in french! Are you ready to speak French in 2024?

Talk about work or study in French: Vocabulary

Faire des études = to study

Aller à la fac (faculté) = go to college

Aller au bureau = to go to the office

Aller au travail = to go to work

Être en télétravail = to work remotely 

La pause déjeuner = lunch break 

Le boulot/ le taf = work (familiar)

Talk about work or study in French: Practice

Tu fais quoi comme études ? = What do you study?

A quelle heure tu pars au travail ? = What time do you go to work? 

Je vais au bureau toute la semaine = I go to the office all week long 

Je suis en télétravail = I work remotely

Tu vas à la fac ? = Are you in college?

Je suis en pause déjeuner = I’m on lunch break 

J’ai beaucoup de boulot ! = I have a lot of work!

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Merci et à bientôt, Séverine