French Podcast Transcripts

Can you translate these 12 French questions?

How about a little French challenge? Speak along and translate these questions from English to French!

Can you translate these 12 French questions?

How about a little French challenge? Speak along and translate these questions from English to French!

  1. Are you free? Est-ce que tu es libre ? 
  2. Where do you live? Tu habites où ? T’habites où ?
  3. How was it ? Comment c’était ?
  4. How come? Comment ça se fait ?
  5. How was your day? Comment s’est passé ta journée ?
  6. What time do you close? A quelle heure fermez-vous ?
  7. What did you say? Tu as dis quoi ?
  8. Do you want to do something? Est-ce que tu veux faire quelque chose ?
  9. Where are you from? D’où viens-tu ? Tu viens d’où ?
  10. What are you thinking about? Tu penses à quoi ?
  11.  How to do to go to the museum? 
  12. What does this mean? Ça veut dire quoi ?