Can you guess these French sentences?
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Can you guess these French sentences?
Let’s practice the last three episodes! Before you listen to this episode, make sure to have previously listened to the last three episodes (you can also try without listening to them)
#1 Can you guess these sentences from French to English?
Je me sens mal, je suis super stressé ! = I feel bad, I am really stressed out!
On est très fiers de toi ! = We are really proud of you
Ça va ? Tu as la forme aujourd’hui ? = How are you? Are you in shape today?
Je suis de mauvaise humeur, je ne trouve plus ma carte bleue ! = I am in a bad mood, I don’t find my credit card anymore.
Paul et moi, on n’a pas le moral en ce moment = Paul and I, we’re not in good spirits at the moment.
#2 Can you guess these sentences from English to French?
We’re in a very good mood! = On est de très bonne humeur !
I cannot pay cash, do you take credit cards? = Je ne peux pas payer en espèces/ en liquide, vous prenez les cartes de crédits ?
We feel good here! = On se sent bien ici !
She is happy and really relaxed = elle est heureuse et relaxée
I don’t have any cash on me = je n’ai pas de liquide/d’espèce sur moi.
Allright, you made it!! Practice makes perfect!
Voilà , now you know how to you guess these French sentences and the differences in sentences!! I hope it was a five-star experience for you. I really want to be helpful and share my knowledge with you. So if you want to help other listeners to discover my podcast, go ahead an leave a five star rating on Spotify (only in the app), Apple podcast, Audible….
If you have any feedback about the quality of the episode (sound, pace, transcripts) show, feel free to reach out!
And if you are still reading, check this: I’ve put together a one-hour course FOR FREE just for you! You will speak French under one hour guaranteed! Try it! Find out more details by clicking on
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Merci et à bientôt, Séverine