French Podcast Transcripts

Train your brain in French Part 2

Today, you are going to learn to train your brain in French, and more specifically to make sentences in French!

There are steps you can make to think in French, and this episode will cover all of them in less than 10 minutes.

#1 French Verbs

manger = to eat

commander = to order

boire = to drink

tenir = to hold

prendre = to get/ to have

aimer = to like

#2 French Adjectives

chaud / chaude = hot

froid/ froide = cold

salé = salty

sucré = sweet

bon/bonne = good

mauvais/mauvaise = bad

#3 train your brain to make sentences in French

Je mange / je bois/ je tiens/ je prends/ j’aime

je ne mange pas de / je ne bois pas de / je ne tiens pas de / je ne prends pas de /

#4 Expressing likes/ dislikes in French

j’aime / je n’aime pas

C’est bon = this is good / c’est mauvais = this is bad / ce n’est pas bon = this is not good / ce n’est pas mauvais = this this not bad

c’est chaud = this is hot / c’est froid = this is cold / ce n’est pas chaud =this is not hot / ce n’est pas froid = this is not cold

c’est sucré = this is sweet / c’est salé = this salty / ce n’est pas sucré = this is not sweet / ce n’est pas salé = this is not salty

Voila c’est la fin de cet épisode ! I hope you find this episode helpful. Again, make sure to practice during the week!

Since you made it to the end, don’t miss on the free one hour class I’ve just created. Try it, you will speak the French you need before you travel to France! Find out more details by clicking on

Also, here is one of my Youtube video that will help you with expressing your feelings and emotions in French

Merci ! Au revoir, à bientôt,
