15 French for Travelers Sentences
Today, I’ve put together 15 French for travelers sentences to help you get around when you go to France! Also, if you need only a few sentences, I’ve published an episode last year Five sentences every beginner and traveler should absolutely know. You can listen to it here first!
You can listen to it here first!
Five sentences every beginner and traveler should absolutely know
15 French for Travelers Sentences
Travelers in the City
Pourriez-vous prendre ma photo/notre photo? (Are you able to take my photo/our photo?)
Je cherche le métro/la gare/l’arrêt de bus. (I am looking for the metro/train station/bus stop.)
Je cherche l’hôtel…/l’hôpital…/la banque. (I am looking for the metro/train station/bus stop.)
Je voudrais un billet/un ticket/ une place (I’d like a ticket/a seat)
Traveling in French
Je voudrais acheter un billet aller simple/aller-retour pour Paris…. (I’d like to buy a ticket one way/round trip to Paris or where ever you are going)
A quelle heure est le train (At what time is the train) / Je cherche la voie … ( I am looking for track….)
Travelers at the hotel
Est-ce que le petit déjeuner est compris ? (Is breakfast included?)
Est-ce qu’il y a la climatisation ? (Do you have A/C?)
Je n’aime pas ma chambre. (I don’t like my bedroom)
At the café or restaurant in French
Combien ça coûte? (How much is this?)
La carte/le menu, s’il vous plaît. (The menu/prix-fixe, please.)
Je voudrais un café/un thé, s’il vous plaît.. (I would like a coffee/a tea, please.)
Je voudrais de l’eau, s’il vous plaît.. (I would like some water, please.)
L’addition, s’il vous plaît. (The bill, please.)
You can also listen to this episode on Apple Podcast
That’s is you dit it ! If you are in a hurry, and need ONLY a few sentences, you have to check out my previous episode. You can listen to it here FIVE FRENCH SENTENCES EVERY BEGINNER SHOULD KNOW or play the YouTube Video!
Find more resources on my Youtube Channel. Thank you again, and please share with your friends, comment, and join the Facebook page or Instagram account!
Since you are here, how about listening to STOP USING OUTDATED FRENCH: DON”T SAY COMME-CI COMME-CA
Merci et à bientôt !