How to speak like the French with these 10 expressions.
How to speak like the French with these 10 expressions! They are used in everyday conversation, they are not ‘slang’ but mostly familiar and casual French.
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1 – ouais (familiar) = yeah
2 – carrément : close from absolutely, of course
‘Vous voulez visiter le vignoble ?’
Ouais, carrément
3 – ça te dit/ça vous dit : How about……
‘ça te dit d’aller faire une rando (randonnée) ?
4 – Je sais pas. Chai pas …Dunno
‘ça te dit de visiter le musée ?
Chai pas’
5 – Abusé/ c’est abusé : to express a negative feeling such as this is too much (to take, to spend, to carry, to hear, etc…) such as ‘This is insane / it’s insane’
6 – On va. Drop Nous (we) for on (no translation)…
On va partir / on prend le train / on voudrait…
7 – oh là là/ oh là = oh my goodness
8- génial ! = Awesome!
9 – D’ac = short for okay
10 – Askip : so they say, allegedly
‘ça vous dit d’aller au concert d’Adé (French pop singer) ?’
Dac ! Askip, c’est génial !
(Mostly used by people 30 and under, short for ‘A ce qu’il paraît’)
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Merci et à bientôt, Séverine