French Podcast Transcripts

Frequency: Often, everyday, and all the time in French! (PART 1)

Frequency: Often, everyday, and all the time in French! (PART 1)! These expressions are used for frequency. They’re used to give information on how many times a recurring event happens.

These expressions are used for frequency. They’re used to give information on how many times a recurring event happens.

They’re usually placed after the verb in a sentence.


Souvent = often

Je voyage souvent. = I travel often.

Tom regarde souvent la télé. = Tom often watches TV.

On ne va pas souvent au restaurant. = We don’t often go to restaurants.

Il vient souvent me voir. = He often comes to see me.


Everyday = Tous les jours

To express frequency starting with  ‘every’  in French, such as for example everyday, every year or every weekends, you have to apply the following structure:

Tous les + masculine nouns in plural 

Toutes les + feminine nouns in plural

Tous les matins, je me lève à sept heures. = Every morning, I get up at seven.

Tous les jours, j’ai cours jusqu’à seize heures. = Every day, I have school until four.

Elle rend visite à ses parents tous les weekends. = She visits her parents every weekend.

Toutes les semaines, il fait six heures de sport. Every week, he does six hours of sport. Every week, he exercises for six hours. 


Tout le temps = All the time/always

Il raconte des histoires tout le temps = He tells stories all the time/He’s always telling stories.

J’aime lire. J’ai tout le temps un livre à la main = I love to read. I always have a book in my hand.

Tu arrives tout le temps en retard ! = You’re always late! You’re late all the time!

Voilà, now you know how to use often, everyday, and all the time in French!!! I hope it was a five-star experience for you. I really want to be helpful and share my knowledge with you. So if you want to help other listeners to discover my podcast, go ahead an leave a five star rating on Spotify (only in the app), Apple podcast, Audible….

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