Bootcamp#21 Fruits and vegetables in French
Bootcamp#21 Fruits and vegetables in French! Rule the French farmer’s markets by knowing the names of the main fruits and vegetables! Bienvenue au French Bootcamp, a special series of daily episodes to boost your French, keep your motivation, and feel good about yourself! The episode are all in French to challenge your comprehension. Feel free to speak along, take notes, repeat, pause, and memorize!
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Bootcamp#21 Fruits and vegetables in French
Vous ĂȘtes prĂȘts ? Allez, c’est parti !
La pĂȘche
Le champignon
La citrouille
La carotte
La pomme de terre
La laitue
Le kiwi
Le radis
Le poivron rouge
La pastĂšque
La mangue
La betterave rouge
Le chou fleur
Les poireaux
Le lychee
La banane
La tomate
Le melon
Le broccoli
La papaye
Le maĂŻs
VoilĂ c’est la fin de l’Ă©pisode