15 super useful French questions for everyday life.
15 super useful French questions for everyday life. In this episode, you’ll find out how to as fifteen questions to practice in everyday life! For clarity, I will mostly use spoken French and standard French. I will only use the subject ‘tu’ when you address one person you know.
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15 French questions to use in everyday conversation
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15 super useful French questions for everyday life.
In this episode, you’ll find out how to as fifteen questions to practice in everyday life! For clarity, I will mostly use spoken French and standard French. I will only use the subject ‘tu’ when you address one person you know. I’ll start with open questions such as ‘What does this mean’ using ‘quoi’ in French. The, Yes/No questions using ‘est-ce que’ such as ‘Do you want anything’ ? I have also a standard answer for all the questions. Very convenient! 🙂
#1 useful French questions: Open ended questions using ‘Quoi’
In casual spoken French, to ask an open-ended question, you add ‘quoi’ at the end of your question. The pattern is ‘subject+verb+ quoi’. Let’s pratice
What are you doing? Tu fais quoi ? ‘Rien de spécial’ / Nothing special
What do you do for a living? Tu fais quoi dans la vie ?
What are you thinking about? Tu penses à quoi ?
What do you want to do? Tu veux faire quoi ?
What does this mean? Ça veut dire quoi ?
What did you say? Tu as dis quoi ?
And you ? Et toi ? Et vous ?
#2 useful French questions: Yes/No questions using ‘Est-ce que’
To ask questions quickly without sounding too academic, make sure to use ‘est-ce que (eskuh)’ in front of your statement. The pattern is ‘est-ce que + subject+ verb+ complement’. Let’s pratice.
Can you speak slowly please? Est-ce que tu peux parler moins vite ?
Do you want anything? Est-ce que tu veux quelque chose ?
Is it far from here? Est-ce que c’est loin d’ici ?
Do you want to do something? Est-ce que tu veux faire quelque chose ?
Do you like it? Est-ce que ça te plait ?
Are you busy? Est-ce que tu es occupé ?
Are you free? Est-ce que tu es libre ?
How was your day? Comment s’est passé ta journée ? Bien/ Mal
How is the weather? Quel temps fait-il ? Il fait beau /Il fait mauvais/ Il ne fait pas beau