French Podcast Transcripts

French bootcamp #5 How to use ‘me’ in French

Bonjour et bienvenue au Bootcamp ! Every January, I create a series of episode to boost your learning and motivation! Every episodes will have some grammar or vocabulary and some practice! Today, how to use me in French! Are you ready to speak French in 2024?

How to use ‘me’ in French after and, with, without, for…

In French, you say ‘Moi’ when you use:

and = et, such as Pierre et moi allons au restaurant ce soir.

with = avec, such as the title of the podcast! Speak French avec moi

without = sans, such as Ils sont allés au cinema sans moi hier soir.

for = pour, such as c’est un cadeau pour moi.

after a call to action such as ‘appelle-moi demain’ (call me tomorrow), ‘dis-moi’ (tell me), etc.

after ‘chez’ such as ‘chez moi’ = at my place for example ‘je suis chez moi’ = I’m at my place.

Also French often use Me, I when stating a fact such as ‘ Moi, je pars en vacances ce weekend.’

How to use ‘me’ in French as an object pronoun

An object pronoun is when you want to say ‘ She is inviting me this weekend’ or ‘He will call me tonight’

me= me/m’ in front a vowel

How to use ‘me’ in French: Practice

Tu viens avec moi au ciné = are you coming with me to the movies?

Elle m’appelle demain = She will call me tomorrow

Moi, je pense que c’est intéressant = Me, I think this is interesting

Tu me montres tes photos ? = Can you show me your pictures?

Ils partent demain sans moi = they’re leaving tomorrow without me.

il m’invite à sa soirée = He’s inviting me to his party.

Elle et moi, on fait du ski demain = She and I are going skiing tomorrow.

Je mange chez moi pendant la pause-déjeuner = I’m eating at my place for the lunch break.

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Merci et à bientôt, Séverine