French Bootcamp #12 Family and Pets in French
French Bootcamp #12 Family and Pets in French. Listen to this episode to review or learn family members and pets in French!
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Bienvenue au French Bootcamp, a special series of daily episodes to boost your French, keep your motivation, and feel good about yourself! The episode are all in French to challenge your comprehension. Feel free to speak along, take notes, repeat, pause, and memorize!
French Bootcamp #12 Family and Pets in French
#1 La famille
la mère = the mother
le père = the father
la fille = the daughter (also the girl)
le fils = the son
la soeur = the sister
le mari = the husband
la femme = the wife (also the woman)
le frère = the brother
la grand-mère = the grand-mother
le grand-père = the grand-father
la tante = the aunt
l’oncle = the uncle
le neveu = the nephew
la nièce = the niece
La belle-mère = mother-in-law/stepmother
le beau-père = father-in-law/stepfather
#2 Les animaux domestiques
le chien = the male dog
la chienne = the female dog
le chat = the male cat
la chatte = the female cat
le lapin = the rabbit
la tortue = the turtle
le poisson rouge = the godlfish
Le hamster = the hamster
Et voilà, c’est la fin de cette épisode ! A demain !