French Bootcamp #10: Can you guess these French sentences?
French Bootcamp #10: Can you guess these French sentences? Today’s the big day! Let’s recap the last past episodes from the bootcamp!
Bienvenue au French Bootcamp, a special series of daily episodes to boost your French, keep your motivation, and feel good about yourself! The episode are all in French to challenge your comprehension. Feel free to speak along, take notes, repeat, pause, and memorize!
French Bootcamp #10: Can you guess these sentences in French?
Can you translate these sentences from English to French? Here are the answers!
I am tired = Je suis fatiguée
She paints as a hobby = Elle fait de la peinture.
You are fun = Tu es marrant
A square coffee table = Une table basse carré
I ski in the mountains during winter = Je fais du ski à la montagne en hiver.
They’re going to the vineyards= Ils vont aux vignobles.
She is nice and young = Elle est sympa et jeune.
This is soft = C’est doux.
You play the guitar and you draw = Tu fais de la guitare et du dessin.
We go camping during summer = Nous faisons du camping l’été.
This is an old desk = C’est un vieux bureau.
The sand on the beach is hot = La sable sur la plage est chaud.