Can you guess these French sentences?
Can you guess theses French sentences? Track your comprehension and progress in French! Speak along to practice the last four episodes together!
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Can you guess these French sentences?
Speak along to practice the last four episodes together! First, you’ll have to guess sentences from French to English, then, you’ll have to guess English sentences to French! Track your comprehension and progress in French!
#1 Can you guess these French sentences in English?
Tu es encore en train de regarder la télé ? = Are you watching TV again?
Le groupe est encore en train de jouer ! = The band is still playing!
Ils ne se préparent pas encore = They are not getting ready yet.
A quelle heure vous vous réveillez ? On se réveille à sept heures. = At what time do you wake up? We are getting up at seven.
#1 Can you guess these English sentences in French?
How’s the weather? = Quel temps fait-il ?
Are you still hungry? Non, thank you, I’m full = Tu as encore faim ? Non, merci je n’ai plus faim ! Non, merci j’ai assez mangé
She is resting at the hotel = Elle est en train de se reposer à l’hôtel./ Elle se repose à l’hôtel.
We get up late on Sundays = Nous nous levons tard le dimanche.
I’m excited to travel to France! = J’ai hâte de voyager en France !
Can you guess these French sentences? Voilà , now you know! I hope it was a five-star experience for you. I really want to be helpful and share my knowledge with you. So if you want to help other listeners to discover my podcast, go ahead an leave a five star rating on Spotify (only in the app), Apple podcast, Audible….
If you have any feedback about the quality of the episode (sound, pace, transcripts) show, feel free to reach out!
And if you are still reading, check this: I’ve put together a one-hour course FOR FREE just for you! You will speak French under one hour guaranteed! Try it! Find out more details by clicking on
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