French Podcast Transcripts

20 questions quiz for French beginners

20 questions quiz for French beginners: speak along and review! Let’s practice French using all of our last six episodes in real-life sentences. This quiz for French beginners will cover asking questions about food, using the proper articles, practicing the vowel ‘u’, using adjective (BAGS), and memorizing the vocabulary on French Fall food! Go ahead, take the test and track your progress. You can pause the episode at anytime.

In a hurry? No time to scroll? Save if for later? You can download the cheat sheet here

French test Sept. 22: answer keys

If you have any feedback about the quality of the episode (sound, pace, transcripts) show, feel free to reach out!

20 questions quiz for French beginners

Speak along and review! Let’s practice French using all of our last six episodes in real-life sentences. This quiz for French beginners will cover asking questions about food, using the proper articles, practicing the vowel ‘u’, using adjective (BAGS), and memorizing the vocabulary on French Fall food! Go ahead, take the test and track your progress. You can pause the episode at anytime.

  • I like grapes  = J’aime le raisin
  • I eat plums = Je mange des prunes
  • I hate mustard = Je déteste la moutarde
  • I love rain = J’adore la pluie
  • I don’t like grapefruit = Je n’aime pas le pamplemousse
  • I’m having champagne = Je prends du champagne
  • I hate the old coat! = Je déteste le vieux manteau!
  • I like the pretty blue sweater = J’aime le joli pull bleu
  • I don’t like the old house = Je n’aime pas la vieille maison.
  • I want a big pumpkin = Je veux un gros potiron / Je veux une grosse citrouille
  • I love the cute little bag = J’adore le petit sac mignon
  • I hate huge apples  = Je déteste les énormes pommes
  • I love old thick books = J’adore les vieux gros livres.
  • I want some figs but I don’t like blackberries = Je veux des figues mais je n’aime pas les mûres
  • I want some pretty little vegetables= Je veux des jolis petits légumes
  • What kind of dessert do you have? I’m having some ice-cream for dessert = Vous avez quoi comme dessert ? Je prends de la glace comme dessert.
  • What time is breakfast? I want some cute little yogurt and I’m having blackberries!= A quelle heure est le petit déjeuner ? Je veux du petit yaourt mignon et je prends des mûres.
  • I love eating chicken! I’m having some good couscous. Is it spicy? = J’adore manger du poulet ! Je prends du bon couscous. Est-ce que c’est épicé ?
  • I eat chocolate and ice-cream but I don’t like fries and snails = Je mange du chocolat et de la glace mais je n’aime pas les frites et les escargots.
  • What’s for dinner?  How long will it take for food to be ready? = Qu’est-ce qu’il y a pour le diner ? Combien de temps ça va prendre ?

Voilà, you took and I hope you passed the 20 questions quiz for French beginners! I hope it was a five-start experience for you. I really want to be helpful and share my knowledge with you. So if you want to help other listeners to discover my podcast, go ahead an leave a five star rating on Spotify (only in the app), Apple podcast, Audible….

If you have any feedback about the quality of the episode (sound, pace, transcripts) show, feel free to reach out!

And if you are still reading, check this: I’ve put together a one-hour course FOR FREE just for you! You will speak French under one hour guaranteed! Try it! Find out more details by clicking on

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