Quiz Beginner French Crash Course
Ultimate French Beginner Crash Course Quiz
Are you up for the challenge? To pass the test, you need to get at leat 80% of right answers. You can take your time, and if needed, you can take the quiz as many time as you need! I am just sure you will pass on the first try. Bonne chance (Good luck!)
#1. I want to eat ? Slide the right answer
#2. Never ? Choose the right answer
#3. I have to leave soon ? Choose the right answer
#4. I am tired ? Choose the right answer
#5. I am not cold ? Choose the right answer
#6. I am hot ? Choose the right answer
#7. Hello, I’d like a croissant, please? ? Choose the right answer
#8. later ? Choose the right answer
#9. I don’t eat fast ? Choose the right answer
#10. To leave ? Choose the right answer

#11. What is this?

#12. What is this?

#13. What is this?

#14. What is this?

#15. What is this?

#16. What is this?

#17. What is this?
Bravo! Oh la la, you aced it!
Alors, what to do next? You just need to keep listening to the podcast to become more fluent in French each time.
And, since you are an outstanding listener, here is a little surprise for you (You will need your access code)
Click here to find out what is my gift to you
PS: Et encore merci for being such a great listener to the podcast! Feel free to share!
You can make it!
To retake the test, you can refresh your browser or just click HERE TO TAKE THE TEST AGAIN
PS: I am here for you so drop me a line anytime if you’re stuck on a question or if the test is not clear to you. I read all my emails 😉