French Podcast Transcripts

French Bootcamp #11: More French Verbs For Conversation!

French Bootcamp #11: More French Verbs to know in conversation! In this episode, you’ll find out about modal verbs in French a.k.a as ‘helper verbs’. They’re used together with the main verb of the sentence. Common examples include can, want, and must.

Bienvenue au French Bootcamp, a special series of daily episodes to boost your French, keep your motivation, and feel good about yourself! The episode are all in French to challenge your comprehension. Feel free to speak along, take notes, repeat, pause, and memorize!

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French Bootcamp #11: More French Verbs For Conversation

#1 Les verbes modaux

Modal verbs show possibility, intent, ability, or necessity. Because they’re a type of auxiliary verb (helper verb), they’re used together with the main verb of the sentence. Common examples include can, want, and must.

Vouloir/Je veux = I want

Pouvoir/Je peux = I can/I am able

Devoir/Je dois = I must/ I have to

Avoir besoin de/ J’ai besoin de = I need to

#2 Les verbes d’actions

manger = to eat

boire = to drink

dormir = to sleep

partir = partir

travailler = to work

marcher = to walk

écrire = to write

lire = to read

#3 Quelques phrases (More French Verbs For Conversation)

Je veux partir = I want to leave

J’ai besoin de dormir = I need to sleep

Je dois travailler = I have to work

Voilà, c’est la fin de cet épisode!

A demain!!